
My name is Taylor Cathey and I am the other half of Chasing Dreams Support Planning.

I graduated from St. Cloud State University in 2016 with a major in social work and a double minor in psychology and human relations. I started working in the waiver world as an intern for a contracted case management agency. After graduating and gaining my license in 2016, I was hired on as a full time employee. Additionally to working as a Contracted Case Manager, I have worked as an Internal Case Manager, a MnCHOICES Reassessor, Supervisor, and Support Planner. This experience has allowed me to successfully help clients navigate this confusing and ever-changing world of social services. In my free time, I have to admit, I love to binge a good show, so please feel free to send any recommendations my way! I am lucky enough to have some wonderful friends and family in my life and catch up with them whenever I can! I’m not a huge sports person, but enjoy tagging along with Abby and her family to watch her kids events and join in on the chaos!

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